
Find the various services we offer to secure you and your business


We offer the following services which can be programmed to meet the needs of a contract and the associated risks:

  • Core Services
    1. Security Consultancy
    2. Training of In-house security Staff of Clients / Training of Security Staff of Private Security Companies
    3. Security Survey / Risk Analysis
    4. Technical Security Services
    5. Guard Protection Duties

  • Anciliary Services
    1. Supply and Installation of Security Systems
    2. Supply of Security Equipment
    3. Background Checking / Vetting
    4. VIP Executive Protection
    5. Electronic Counter Measures (De-Bugging)
    6. Special Event Security
    7. Body Guards and Security Drivers for Special occasions
    8. Protection of Building Sites
    9. Process Serving
    10. Business Continuity Planning for Clients

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